Wednesday, April 28, 2010

what i've done to my lil' sis ;)

HEROES cloth, Dr.Martens "Purple" shoes, brother's Nike shoes,
unbranded tights,handmade belt

photo by Moi

Stylish by Moi
Model by Ma Soeur


stupid thing I've done yesterday:

1. i forgot to take my id card back, so my id is still in centra mulya building..sigh...
(i need 2 hour to get there from my home..rrrggg!!)

2. i hosted an event last nite.,,and i was wrong to mention mr.police's name. his name is Tunari and i called Ponari (ponari is little shaman and this boy is famous)hahahahaa
sorry mr.policeman..;p ehehehehe..

3. in the end of the event,, i've done the same stupid thing!! yep,, i was wrong to mention Mr.Rosidin's name..Again??yes! :( sigh.. this time, i lost my "name" note.. so when i have to called him to gave his greeting, with all my confident (coz i know someone will correct for me) (hihihi..;p) i called Mr.Rosidin's name with Mr. Sukarno..Hahahahahah..Piss yo..(^o^)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

i trust this words

Bermimpilah..karena Tuhan akan memeluk mimpi-mimpi itu

-Andrea Hirata-

Monday, April 26, 2010

A little Princess

sedang asik2nya baca novel A little Princess, lagi bagian yg seru,,
pas si Sara Crewe ditinggal mati bapa nya tanpa meninggalkan sepeserpun harta warisan
untuk dy (pdhl dy sekolah di tmpt org2 kaya) dan si pemilik yayasan sekolah
yg matre itu ngomongin ke sara bgmn nasibnya d
y disana..
eh bukunya malah dirampas paksa ama kaka gw (buku dy sih sbnrnya..hihiihi)
Sialan!! mslhnya tuh lg dpt "feel" sedihnya!!huuuffttt.. (cieee ileehhh..;p)hahahha
rasanya spt lg makan cheese cake tapi cuma ampe tenggorokan (nahlo?!?)
eh coba searching2 di google,,VOILA!! ada lengkap boo 1 buku,,
versi inggris pula..(cikal bakal deh bacanya) hahahhahaa

and c'est les Livre

and u can check "A Little Princess" novel here

oLd Pic from mon fs..

place : "someplace" at glagah beach in yogyakarta

this's one of my fav photo when i went to glagah beach at 2007..
i participated at "java trip 2007" held by PANORAMA
still natural,,and Ohh..there is also dragon fruit plantation..
i can't show another pic parce que je suis oublie put my other "Java trip" photo..


wow..akhirnya blog ini terisi juga..
pdhl udah dari kapan tau dibikin,,
tapi baru skrg ada postingan (backsound: suara tepok tangan + "horeeee") hahaha